Why Bugaboo Is the King of Urban Strollers

I’ve owned six strollers. I’ve bought and resold them as we moved from one New York apartment to the next, discovering a new set of circumstances for each dwelling. No more elevator? I need something lighter! Move in next to Central Park? Jogging stroller time!

I have to say, though, that there’s one stroller that outshines them all for city living.

Bugaboo. I’m not saying it’s for everyone, and those who need something that can be tossed in the trunk will be disappointed. (It’s a little bulky and must be broken into two pieces to fold up.) But for those who need something to  battle bumpy sidewalks, switch baby conveniently from front to rear view, love a good sun canopy, and have a little extra money, it’s worth it.

The bugaboo handles like a dream and with all the accessories, you can make it your customized ride. Considering you’ll be pushing it for the next three to four years, might as well have something you love, no?

Category: Kids and Baby

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