The Mom-To-Be’s Everyday Essential: The Best Prenatal Vitamins

Prenatal vitamins are kind of like anything else that ’s good for you: You begrudgingly do it, and the pay off is worth it. You run five miles and you feel awesome the next day. You eat kale and energy abounds. Luckily, the pay off for prenatal supplements benefits you and your growing baby.

We like Nature Made vitamins. There are a few prenatal options, some of which contain baby brain boosting  folic acid and DHA. Each has been link to brain, nerve, and eye development.

And should you find yourself trying to beat off hunger pangs, just go with it. Your body’s trying to tell you something (or possibly the small person inside it). For stash-in-your-bag options, we like Bellybar mellow oat snack bars. They are packed with nutrients, and they taste good. Win-win.

Category: Mom

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