On-the-Go Toddler Snacks Make Summer a Little Easier

Now that the nice weather has finally arrived, daily outings will become part of the routine (hooray!). Pack your bag full of easy to transport, healthy (and in this case, all organic) snack options that will make being nutritionally responsible a snap. Here, a few of our favorites.

Revolution Foods Mash-Ups are a no-mess way to pack in those daily fruit servings. Pureed fruit is super fresh, full of flavor, and easy to toss in your diaper bag.

Plum Organics Fingerfuls “I Heart Strawberries” are, in addition to being good for your child, just plain adorable. A mix of freeze-dried strawberries and oaty hearts make for a great mix of sweet and savory.

Sneak calcium every way you can.  Happy Melts Yogurt Snacks are, simply, addictive. Prepare to watch your toddler devour the entire bag. Luckily, they’re also super healthy.

If you have an older toddler, gummy snacks are an option. Tasty Baby Gummy Snacks feel like a treat but they’re made of organic ingredients and are packed with vitamins.

Category: Kids and Baby

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